Edwin GuevaraGraphic DesignerBaltimore, MD / Remote
Email: eguevara@mica.edu Phone: 206-276-7303Network:  

Football Tryptic

The prompt ... 

Home is where the football is or something cheesey like that. I grew up learning about or watching many of footballs greats. They were all part of generational talents that shaped the world of sport today. The sport triverses every corner of the world 

    Bio Diagram

    Test Board 02

    Donec a tempor turpis. Mauris quis trLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur efficitur pulvinar augue vel interdum. Nam consectetur ante quis mauris commodo accumsan. Donec pulvinar eros diam, ac gravida nunc laoreet eget. Nullam mattis quis purus id varius. Vestibulum a metus pellentesque, sollicitudin quam sit amet, molestie urna.

    1. Dapibus Ut
    2. Morbi Varius Euismod
    3. Lacinia Intege
    4.  Congue Tincidunt
    5. Rhoncus


    1. Add copy to this section explaining the project.
    2. Crop Wheat Paste Posters 
    3. Upload mockups.

      NEW YORK
      AI WIE WIE
      1983 - 1993

      The concept is a revisit to the Ai Weiwei: 1983-1993 exhibition. 


      1. Add copy to this section explaining the project. 
      2. Save Smaller Version of Mockups
      3. Upload mockups.


        BAM was a class project in which we were prompted to design a catalog for the Brooklyn Accadamy of Music series Next Wave 2024 & Emerging Visions. 

        I took inspiration from various transit authorities boarding tickets and the New York City transit system in general.

        My goal was to inform customers about the various events, times and locations. 

        TO DO 
        - Export table of contents as a single spread.
        - Update table of contents
        - Create Gifs of spreads
        1. Add copy to this section explaining the project. 
        2. Save Smaller Version of Mockups
        3. Upload mockups.
